Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The do's and don'ts of networking in forums

1. Do not post your ad on a social networking site more than twice. You will most likely be flagged or banned for spamming. Most sites have a limit on the number of times you can post your advertisement so if you want to stay on the site and want your ads to stay up on the site, don't overdo the posting of ads.

2. Don't simply go into forums just to post your blog. Actually meet people. Become part of their discussion. Ask questions. Be sociable!

3. Do start your own forum topic. Then invite others to discuss that topic with you. Before you start your own topic though, I do suggest doing a search in the forum section of a site to see if someone else has started a forum on your topic. People hate duplicate forum topics. Some sites will even delete your topic if someone else just posted a similar topic.

4. Do put your website and/or contact information in your signature line. Doing this is another small step in helping people find you and find out about your product and services.

5. Don't abandon your forum. If you post in a forum or start your own forum, remember to go back to it. Check and see if someone has responded. Follow up on comments and questions.

6. Do go into relevant forums. This is related to tip #3. Find forum websites that cater to your particular product or service.

7. Google forums and find new ones to join. A simple google search will likely turn up hundreds, if not thousands, of forums to choose one.

8. Don't post in unrelated forums. Please don't go into unrelated forums just to talk about your product or service. Your product or service has a specifically targeted niche. Find your niche and stick to it.

9. Do invite the people in the forum to contact you. If you are posting on the right website and posting on the right topic, invite the people in that forum to contact you directly. If, as in tip #4, your website and contact information is in your signature, they can easily contact you.

10. Do post. That should be self-explanatory but many times people "lurk" on forum topics and never post. Perhaps you simply don't have anything to say but perhaps you do. The people that go to forums like to talk, discuss, meet and network so don't be afraid to post.

11. Do try to keep what you say positive. While controversy is sometimes good, you want to attract the right people so keep your conversation positive if at all possible. That is, if you are going on a forum to network.

12. Do find out what others need and offer your services or products. If the site allows you to post your website or advertise, then by all means do it!

13. Do read the terms of service for the forum. You'd be surprise what actions some sites will deem as offensive or objectionable and will ban you. Some sites won't even let you put certain things on their sites to advertise. Your only choice then is to not join that site, leave the site, and find another site that is less restrictive.

14. Start your own forum website!!!! Bring people to you! That way you can make your own rules. You know people are interested in what your site has to offer. You can post as many ads as you want.

15. Do have good, accurate information. When you provide good, relevant content (as I heard JaWar say all the time, content is king), people will naturally gravitate towards you and the information you provide. So make sure what you say is good and accurate. Adding to the conversation and not taking away from it.

16. Do keep your post short. If you keep your post short, people are likely to read it.

17. Do allow others a chance to post their comments. If you over-comment, you will be perceived as argumentative or abrasive.

18. Do spell check. Do use proper grammar and proper punctuation.

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